Celebrating Hong Kong’s Perfect IB Scorers

We have some incredible young people in Hong Kong.

I had the privilege of interviewing each of the city’s perfect IB scorers for a report celebrating their achievement.

It was a horrible fortnight for world news (summer 2016), but my weeks were punctuated by the earnest hope of these bright young adults. They’re incredible humans and a testament to IB learning – they are curious, they have an opinion, they’re involved in their communities and some are sticking it to the gender roles society expects of them.

If you’re reading the news and saddened by the world right now, have hope and look forward to a future where these young adults rule the roost.

Read about some of the students here:

Ariel Galor

Justin Wei

Howard Chae

Natalia Chan

Yvonne Qian

Or, enjoy the full series here.

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